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Comment count is 8
Xenocide - 2017-01-01

I wish Siskel and Ebert had stopped Gaming. Like, as a concept.

"Why is there no more gaming?"

"Siskel and Ebert stopped it."

"Then we're finally free."

Spit Spingola - 2017-01-01

Ebert couldn't beat the seaweed part of Ninja Turtles.

Spit Spingola - 2017-01-01

On another note I really wish Ebert were still around. He'd often comment on stuff like this like when he gave a thumbs up to that Red Letter Media Phantom Menace review.

Xenocide - 2017-01-01

Ebert understood the pain of a generation. Level two of Ninja Turtles is so cruel and unusual it probably violates like five Geneva Conventions, and probably at least one Anime Convention.

Old_Zircon - 2017-01-02

Ninja Turtles wasn't THAT hard.

I never could quite make it through the last room or two of the Technodrome though, that one tapering hall with the jet pack guys in it always got me.

boner - 2017-01-03

He's doing all right for an alcoholic newspaperman.

Old_Zircon - 2017-01-02

2 hours a night!

casualcollapse - 2022-05-25

Rookie numbers

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