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Comment count is 6
Oktay - 2018-01-17

This is one of those rare cases when it's appropriate to say "Watt!"

Killer Joe - 2018-01-17

In that 1st shot, the weighted spheres spinning are part of a system called the 'governor' of a steam engine. They are often in an enclosed cylinder, and as the engine speeds up, they move closer and closer to the inner walls of the cylinder as they spin faster.
This is where it's thought the phrase "Balls to the wall" comes from, rather than getting too excited at the 'ol glory hole.

Hazelnut - 2018-01-17

aaaand Balls to the Wall is now a linked tag.

duck&cover - 2018-01-17

Cool. I didn't know that.

fedex - 2018-01-17

man those guys need to slow the fuck down, that is terrifying

Gaseous_Planet - 2018-01-18

Stars for bored kid at 0:59

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