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jangbones - 2020-03-11

a little more info;

https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/coronavirus-nba-postpones-u tah-jazz-oklahoma-city-thunder-game-at-chesapeake-energy-arena/

also just tonight, hundreds of sporting events will be held with no fans in attendance, and all travel to Europe prohibited for 30 days

stay safe

jangbones - 2020-03-11

aaaand the NBA just suspended their entire season

Scrimmjob - 2020-03-12

damn dude.

Gmork - 2020-03-11

Tried to find any evidence the death rate is higher than flu. Anyone?

The freeways these days are fucking mad Max but i don't see any of them getting shut down.

jfcaron_ca - 2020-03-11

Yeah I want health authorities to take this seriously, but the relative risk compared to "totally normal" road violence is tiny.

jangbones - 2020-03-11

a doctor I follow is finding that in the United States the fatality rate is approaching ten percent

its early yet and data is still coming in

gmol - 2020-03-12

This is not about fatality rates due to the virus, it is about reducing fatalities due to exhausting medical capacity.

SolRo - 2020-03-12

It’s completely unknown/unknowable right now.

Symptoms in a lot of people are too mild, it’s too contagious, the people at risk have no vaccine option, testing kits aren’t widely available.

In places like Italy (and probably a lot of western countries) where no severe measures were taken before it spread everywhere the total infected number is probably much bigger than the confirmed cases number, making the mortality rate seem higher.

China took extreme steps to stop the spread so their infected number is probably closer to the confirmed cases number. But there’s also a chance China is underreporting how many people died from it.

Other fun metric is if the health system gets overwhelmed, and it probably will, then the mortality rate will go up from lack of care.

The only thing you can do now is buy 5 years worth of toilet paper.

SolRo - 2020-03-12

And it probably is more dangerous, as it seems to even kill people that are getting good medical care and aren’t severely frail.

TeenerTot - 2020-03-12

Doesn't seem to hit little kids, tho. Soon the world will look like that one Star Trek episode.

jangbones - 2020-03-12

this is only sorta true, although people under fifty are less likely to get seriously or critically ill from COVID-19, it is twice as (or more) dangerous than the average influenza virus

spikestoyiu - 2020-03-12

No talk in the comments of how Rudy Gobert of the Jazz mocked the seriousness of all of this by touching all of the microphones at a presser and was later confirmed to have corona? And that is what started all of this?

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