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Desc:segregation in America was institutionalized with roads and highways
Category:Horror, Business
Tags:segregation, Extra Credits, robert moses, the power broker, I notice Enjoy has not commented
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Comment count is 8
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-11-09

Does the narrator have some kind of rare affliction of speech centre of his brain or something?

Chicken the Did - 2021-11-10

Yes, the 'Increase Speed in Post' disease. However in this case it's very mild and really doesn't detract much from the overall quality of the video. I've seen some cringy audio editing that leaves the narrator talking like the Micro Machines Guy when they declare all out war on ellipses instead of just -reducing- them.

Xenocide - 2021-11-10

Youtube does the speed increase thing a lot. I'm sure there's some reason for it involving algorithms but it's just dumb. Honestly this channel (which I otherwise love) has gotten MUCH better about the speedups than it used to.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2021-11-10

He also stresses his words like he's reading a story book to a particularly dumb child. It's pretty aggravating imo. Just calm down and talk normally brah.

Raggamuffin - 2021-11-11

From wikipedia:

"The series has its roots in 2008 when co-creator Daniel Floyd created two video presentations for his respective art history and media theory classes at Savannah College of Art and Design. Floyd states that the style of his presentations was "loosely modeled" after Zero Punctuation. The assignment had a time limit of ten minutes, so Floyd sped up his voice by 10% to meet that limit, an effect that continued in subsequent episodes. He put it on YouTube just to see if anyone had interest and to his surprise the videos viewers hits grew very large very quickly"

duck&cover - 2021-11-09

An undead version of Robert Moses is the main antagonist of the first season of CollegeHumor's Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2021-11-09


Xenocide - 2021-11-10

Watch this video now before the narrator is arrested for spreading "Critical Race Theory."

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