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Comment count is 6
John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-16

These stars are for the late great Video Den in Johnson City New York, where I rented this on VHS is 1993.

Annie Sprinkle is 90 per cent Goddess, so the 10 per cent that is slut has to work extra hard.

Lately I've been encountering some of her early films. What i most love about seventies porn is ogling the nineteen year old versions of porn stars who are actually older than me. It feels less creepy. It's like hacking time. In the seventies, Annie was a standout. She was super hot in a natural hippie-chick way, and a pretty good actress. She made a movie called TEENAGE DEVIATES. Ignore the title, and the sex probably isn't memorable, because I can't remember any of it. What I remember is Annie Sprinkle's acting. She's playing a teenage runaway, talking to a therapist. The dialogue appears to be improvised. It's silly, but it's very natural. It's possibly the best acting I've ever seen in a porno, outside of John Gielgud in Caligula.

Pillager - 2022-02-17

Annie Sprinkle was great, however Vanessa Del Rio in all of her coked up glory gave much more intense performances.

jangbones - 2022-02-17

beta's mastery of obscure, incredibly cringe-worthy videos remains undefeated

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-17

At first, Jangbones, I was a little hurt by that. I was about to point out that I was the one who saw this on VHS, and I am the one who, in a submission that (I hope) will live in POE infamy, posted a clip from the Japanese WTF abomination RAPE ZOMBIE, with humorous subtitles I had written myself, and this had convinced several members of the POE constituancy that I had become Davis Aurini, only rapier.

Oh wait, you were talking about BETA? I hereby withdraw my name from consideration.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-02-18

Beta, I know you hate all network television, but for fans of COMMUNITY, I'd consider it a personal favor if you were to consider adding an "Annie's boobs" tag, and if my submission of MY FATHER IS COMING gets through, we can link it up.

betamaxed - 2022-02-21

The description of that tag is the only reason to ever watch an episode of community so I'll allow it.

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