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Comment count is 7
Aelric - 2007-07-02

i can not wrap my mind around how this show could have ever existed.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-07-02

That couple just stands there, embarrassed and waiting impatiently for Baby Merchant to shut the Hell up. If he had been doing a legal business, they would've yelled at him or just left. Baby Merchant forced them to listen to him, he knew they wouldn't leave.

Baby merchanting is one thing, but holding people as a captive audience is just disgusting.

citrusmirakel - 2007-07-02

The baby merchant might live in a moral quagmire, but he's got a pretty good jingle.

"In just a week or two, I'll have your baby for you." is right up there with "Winstons taste good like a (flick flick) cigarette should."

kingarthur - 2007-07-02

killitkillitkillitkillitohgodkillitkillitkillitjesuspleasekillitki llitkillit....eleven grand? That's it? His prices are so low.

The McK - 2007-07-05

Jesus. The 1980s on American TV was a very special time and place to be.

Hailey2006 - 2007-07-07

Actually this show come out in 1990

Evilhead - 2007-11-07


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