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Comment count is 15
Caminante - 2006-05-05

When you die and go to Heaven, this is what God will look and sound like.

pacobird - 2006-05-05

THE FOLLOWING PROGRAM CONTAINS: [V] Violence [AC] Adult Content [AL] Adult Language

Xiphias - 2006-05-05

so many memories of watching home-taped movies with my folks as a kid...sniff

PrincessPeachesUnderpants - 2006-05-05

A Monolith of awesomeness

blackbetta - 2006-05-05

In a perfect world, this would come before the Sopranos.

Herr Matthias - 2006-05-05


xenocide - 2006-05-05

Gentlemen, the moment we've feared has arrived. The Logo is here, and nothing can stop it.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2006-05-08

Finally. I've been looking for this forever.

onemorepanic - 2006-05-19

my childhood just orgasm'd

Syd Midnight - 2006-05-30

To a 10 year old in 1982.. this was the coolest thing in history. I dreamt about this damn thing.

Namor - 2006-06-02

This opening, along with Solid Gold, is how I remember the 80's

Angel Carver - 2007-11-24

I want to sincerely thank you.

Pie Boy - 2008-02-19

That's no moon!

Cheese - 2010-02-09

This is the song to which my generation will march on Washington.


MrBuddy - 2010-02-10

my family was too poor to have hbo (or even color tv for that matter)

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