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Oooh, I just got an exciting idea for my next handbag.
I really appreciate that last shot, it really made the whole clip for me.
Ya. Would make any lesbian feel inadequate.
Agreed. All the shots before that made the Pangolin seem like a mediocre ant consumer. Now we know that the Pangolin is the ruiner of Ant worlds.
it walks like the Mr. Burns of the animal world
Pangolins are so damn cool. There's an amazing mounted pangolin for sale at an antique shop for me for a reasonable price, but I'm not sure how I feel about buying it...
just do it. it'd be awesome and get you chicks.
It's a thrift shop, so you provide no benefit to it's killers. Or were you worried about the serious creep factor?
Pangolins ftw.
Now that is one awesome critter.
A tongue like that has so many uses.
If I had a giant one I would ride it.
it's like an artichoke come to life!
Woah woah. More coverage of Pangolin tongue action please. Highly arousing.
I never realized they only walked on their hind legs like that. That is fucking adorable. Like a cute little t-rex.
I see all of these tongue comments and I realize what the zoophiles have done to our community.
One of the greatest animals there is.