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cripple fight
Spittle fight
This is just like There Will Be Blood. What a crapfest, that was.
It's like some kind of colonial Powerthirst ad
I remember when this movie came out, I was 12. It established two things in my memory: 1. Tom Cruise was now suddenly a "serious actor" according to the all the adults. 2. Vietnam was a thing that should be talked about and veterans have lots of problems. Be nice to people on the street.
Man I love huge lacunae in context.
The Mexican hookers were butt-blastingly ugly.
Good to see you got something out of the movie.
Always Sunny's Charlie looks and sounds exactly like Cruise.
Yeah, thank you Oliver Stone. Thank you so bloody much.
So, Viet Nam vets are twelve year olds who swear? Awesome. Why does anyone put Oliver Stone behind a camera ever?
i hate the hell out of oliver stone; this is awesome