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Comment count is 12
snppls - 2008-05-08

I have no idea what was said. Also, lots of hand gestures.

Maggot Brain - 2008-05-08

Better on paper.

Gwago - 2008-05-08

I couldn't sit through the whole thing.

takewithfood - 2008-05-08

Neither could I, but that's something I admire in a clip.

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-05-08


Timothy A. Bear - 2008-05-08


charmlessman - 2008-05-08

Rocky: Hey, Sly, how come you never became a fighter?
Sly: I got married didn't I? I mean, have you SEEN Brigitte Nielsen?

fluffy - 2008-05-08

I wonder if he had this on his mind when he did his latest Rocky movie.

Pretty good compositing, though.

baleen - 2008-05-08

I submitted this because it was terrible. That's part of what we do around here.

Random_Hajile - 2008-05-08

This is awesome!

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2008-06-12

You sicken me.

BillLumbergh - 2012-03-05

way to miss the point, raters. haters.

this needs a re-upload

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