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Comment count is 8
The Great Hippo - 2008-05-18

"Nice tuxedo. Nice tuxedo to DIE in."

Making Death into Slash and his followers into hardcore rockers was inspired. This movie was awesome.

Konversekid - 2008-05-18

If Buddy Holly was a sword wielding badass.

kingarthur - 2008-05-18

If you haven't seen this; well, shame on you, man.

"If I were you...I'd run away!"
"If you were me...you'd be good lookin'."

bongoprophet - 2008-05-18

-1 star because this movie has, bar none, the most annoying kid in any movie ever made.

Seriously, he communicates by screaming.

Lurchi - 2008-05-18

There was a more annoying child actor, in Fulci's "The House by the Cemetary".

Ursa_minor - 2008-05-18

Looks like there are a few shots inspired by "El Topo" in this as well - dunes, umbrellas, and little kids.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-12

Go out on your day off.
Rent this movie.
Stop by the corner store for a sixer of some decent brown-bottled microbrew.
Come back home.
Call some friends over.
Make some popcorn and maybe get a vegetable-and-ranch-dressing setup going on with a Lazy Susan.
Possibly break out the bong and drop some icecubes and fresh water in that thing.
Watch the movie with your pals.
Enjoy the evening laughing it up at the crazy flick.
Play a few videogames before your friends have to leave.
Feel happy that you did something fun and social today.
Plan something fun and social for tomarrow after work.

Six String Samurai fits perfectly into this grand scheme.

bac - 2008-07-22

"Do you know who I am?"


yeah this movie is great.

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