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Comment count is 10
waxeater - 2008-08-07

He's no Roachbud.

dementomstie - 2008-08-07

Quinten, not Gwen as I first heard.
However I won't make fun of him since I think he could punch me over the internet.

jesustweak - 2008-08-07

So what that mean? Should the standard be the amount of brain damage he can inflict or has endured?

Smellvin - 2008-08-07

I'm 5'ing the slam he inflicted on Emilianenko in '04. I still can't believe he didn't win with that one.

Dr Dim - 2008-08-07

That was Randleman, a different big black guy with slams.

Also, Rampage looks pretty spaced out... I don't know when they filmed this, but he now apparently is "under psychiatric evaluation" after running his truck into a lot of cars.

Smellvin - 2008-08-08

Oops. You're right. Not even the same weight class. I watched that fight live, too so that's ultra-senility kicking in for me.

I was thinking of the time he (successfully) KO'd that boring Brazilian BJJ guy.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-08-07

Newton never said that!

heyitslozeau - 2008-08-07

rampage is such a tard. I love that he feels the need to intimidate the scientists. WE GET IT YOU COULD BEAT THEM UP.

HarrietTubmanPI - 2008-08-07

Blaster crush!

mon666ster - 2008-08-08

It's a good thing for those other MMA guys that he can't actually power bomb them.

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