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Perfect. Everything. His face. Everything.
Even Hollywood wouldn't have cooked up a crazy dude like that.
Absolutely flawless.
Just taking care of some business here.
Just awesome. I also really dig the guy in the background who picks up the portly child, presents it, then places it down and walks off camera.
You get the feeling he's not just talking about watching him on television...
5 stars
No Shit, Saskatoon....this guy is just the tip of the iceberg in dear old saskatchewan. O how I miss thee.
ROLL ON, ROLL ON, SASKATCHEWAN!! I bet this dude faps madly to the weather report at the top of his grain elevator.
I like how he rubs his stuffed animal in a "nevous mental patient" way.
nervous even
This is too awesome to be real.
Agreed, I must find this man and confirm it.
Surely there aren't that many people named Brian in Saskatoon.
In all fairness, Warren is a beautiful man. Who wouldn't want to wear his flesh as their new skin?
Can we call him Brocktoon from now on?
He uh he wasn't done, produce dude. I think he wanted to ask if he could smell Warren's feet, or maybe have a lock of his hair.
That was pitch perfect.
I can tell, from this, that my real home is in Canada. I must move there immediately.
Internal dialogue: "omgomgomgomgomgomgOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGomgomgomgomg"
yes face, fist pump, pin and stuffed toy prize all come together in perfect unity here
Pangalin is MY No. 1 fan.
"I want you inside me."
They love their weathermen in Saskatchewan.
I've met people this crazy. It's always a lot funnier when it happens to someone else. p.s. fav'd.
Local weatherman stalker is a character Hollywood has yet to pick up on.
That. Was. Magnificent.
This made me laugh and laugh and laugh!