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Comment count is 8
mashedtater - 2008-10-31

Mark doesn't seem like he has many happy stories.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-11-02

Mark doesn't seem like he likes women very much.

Jeff Fries - 2008-10-31


tak_a_je_to - 2008-10-31

Thank you, POEtv, for cultivating my love for all that is painfully awkward.

Also, where did this come from? It's beautiful.

baleen - 2008-10-31

Crap, I spoke too soon.


baleen - 2008-10-31

Apparently the ethnic footballer had a blog and posted tons of these videos, but took them down. I'd love to find more of them.
I think this drama group was called "the room." This is all I have been able to find.

Twitch - 2008-11-01


Computer Oriented, Business Oriented, Playwriting, Swimming, Soccer, Tennis, Jogging, Modeling, Rollerblading, Rock Climbing, Ultimate Frisbee, Horse Riding

lucienpsinger - 2008-12-12

The Room, the movie this is a rehearsal (or something) for, is one of the most entertainingly terrible movies I've ever seen, and I've seen hundreds. Performances of this caliber throughout. Totally worth buying.

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