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Comment count is 5
Chancho - 2009-02-22

I'm going to five star this even though I hate the overall timbre of the performance. The lack of warmth (mid range fuzz) in 80's production is shrill and annoying. Beautiful solo

Old_Zircon - 2009-02-22

Yeah, his tone definitely suffered in the 80s. The Hendrix strat didn't help thhings.

Old_Zircon - 2012-11-07

Revisiting this I'd like to add that literally nobody else in the universe could put a fucking Floyd Rose on a guitar that was owned by Hendrix and retain their integrity.

sakalak - 2009-02-22

It is sort of like in the 80s everyone remembered how to play a guitar solo but they did not remember that they should never use a chorus effect on a guitar and also maybe they should EQ their amp.

joelkazoo - 2009-02-22

The versions on Joe's Garage and Guitar are better, but it's still my favorite Zappa solo, so I won't deduct any stars.

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