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Comment count is 4
kingarthur - 2009-03-13

Because, oh yes, he's for real: http://www.garyspivey.com/

Hooper_X - 2009-03-13

Gary Spivey is fucking amazing. I need to find and post that bit from the mid 90s in WCW where Gary Spivey helped... Paul Orndorff, I think, get his career back on track with some psychic assistance.

Yeah. Gary Spivey on a professional wrestling program? That's some next-level ironic shit right there.

Rudy - 2009-03-13

Yeah, I kinda figured when I first saw that bit that he was a failed wrasslin gimmick. I'm still not entirely sure that his whole shtick wasn't dreamed up by WCW.

Xiphias - 2009-03-13


(standing in front of a stuffed dog)

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