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Comment count is 9
mcsancherson - 2009-03-28

this is clearly soccer you faggots

cenerentola - 2009-03-28

No need to be abusive! It's a British film, so of course it's going to be called 'football'. In Britain the game seen here is known as 'football'. We also drive on the left hand side of the road and call 'sidewalks' 'pavements'. It's not wrong, just different.

Camonk - 2009-03-28

Fix your tags you stupid limey faggot

karl hungus - 2009-03-28

what camonk said.

cenerentola - 2009-03-29

I hadn't realised that poeTV was full of abusive, xenophobes. What a disappointment. And, for the record, I'm a woman, so not exactly a 'faggot'.

Syd Midnight - 2009-03-29

Have you ever like kissed a guy? Because that's pretty gay.

Syd Midnight - 2009-03-28

It was 1920, so England only had like 4 men of fighting age left.

takewithfood - 2009-03-28

So, were they banned?

A Jumping Spider! - 2009-03-30

Females are we.

Dude, put commas between your tags.

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