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Comment count is 14
phalsebob - 2009-06-30

I bet the recipient thought it was all a part of the act until WHUMP!

spikestoyiu - 2009-06-30

An oldie but goodie.

The way he puts the pick back into the guitar strings and the way the crowd turns on him completely really puts this one in ten star territory.

Tstyle - 2009-06-30

that people paid to see this was the punch line.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-06-30

That made me laugh.

Ponasty - 2009-06-30

"I want my money back!"

Camonk - 2009-06-30

He was still funnier than Songer.

Maybe if Songer hit someone with a guitar.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-06-30

he's the best mang, he deed it.

never gets old

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-06-30

Would Eh Marine be as popular if it were a guitar instead of a slap?

Charon - 2009-06-30

The clip is called "El Kabong" and this circulated on videotapes that comics would copy for each other long before You Tube ever existed. A Chicago comic gave me a copy back in like '97. Good stuff.

sheikurbouti - 2009-06-30

I enjoyed watching that.

fluffy - 2009-06-30

Man, ruining a perfectly-adequate 12-string for the sake of trying to be a badass (and failing).

hornung - 2009-06-30

"that was unnecessary!"

KnowFuture - 2009-06-30

He may not be that funny but you might get to see him kick somebody's ass and that's worth the price of admission by itself.

chumbucket - 2009-06-30

wait, so no punchline??? awww shucks

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