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Comment count is 9
chumbucket - 2009-07-11

0:49 onwards he's carrying the drowned corpse that was his wife

Iakchos - 2009-07-11

I imagine that typical day of a Finn consists solely of taking part in wife-carrying championship, riding a swimming moose and headbanging while making a fire.

mashedtater - 2009-07-11

it is a beautiful place for men, to be a man.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-11

suicidal rate could be lower though in Finland...

Smellvin - 2009-07-11

"The Finnish Line"

mashedtater - 2009-07-11

this is why you should never bitch about marriage guys.

you should think of us now in terms of beer weight.

Pillager - 2009-07-11


I would carry your kegs anywhere.

mashedtater - 2009-07-12

lets get married and DO THIS.

allcaps - 2009-07-11

Women, lose some damn weight. You are costing us beer.

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