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Comment count is 11
Thundercougarfalconbird - 2009-08-18

For 0:45

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-08-19

All stars for :45, -2 for holding this shit anywhere but from roof-top to roof-top.

Fuck this Queensberry rules bullshit.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-08-19

...Yeah, that should be a star less.

Sean Robinson - 2009-08-18

Goddamn it sports, you didn't need to take this.

bias - 2009-08-18

yeah really

badideasinaction - 2009-08-19

Thirded. Left as something on the street, even with the annoying douchebag quotient it was still somewhat raw and interesting. Now it's just another X-sport.

Colonel Cowlung - 2009-08-19

Almost immediately, the announcers started with the name-dropping of "moves" or tricks or whatever. That's when this video became fucking lame.

Then he did the flag thing, and it got a little better. I recommend watching this muted.

Aoi - 2009-08-18

Normally, I am very impressed by parkour/freerunning videoes, but this was just...lame.

fermun - 2009-08-19

Ugh. I mean I guess I understand that it is like floor exercise gymnastics meets obstacle course, but the whole competition thing is weird.

Johnny Madhouse - 2009-08-19

If this gets more people interested in getting out and getting physical, I'm all for it.

endlesschris - 2009-08-19

The only part I found interesting was when he pretended to walk up a wall or whatever. One star for taking something that was kind of fun, e.g. kids jumping from building to building like animals: and attempting to turn it into a legitimate sport.

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