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phalsebob - 2009-08-25

True story: My grade five teacher needed a recommendation for movie for an end of the year pizza party. I recommended this movie, and the shithead actually got it for us. We got about ten minutes in before he turned it off and yelled at me for suggesting something so inappropriate.

kiint - 2009-08-25

well, of course he was right, it is completely inappropriate!

you should have recommended Blazing Saddles

Michael Houser - 2009-08-25

"Hey, John Carpenter made the highest grossing horror movie of all time! Let's let that guy make whatever the hell he wants!"
John Carpenter: "MUHAHAHAHA!!!!"
(That clip really captures the psychotic casting of this movie. Except for Lee Van Cleef and Ernest Borgnine. Absolutely astounding.)

Stopheles - 2009-08-25

5 stars for activating the Ox Baker tag.

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