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Finally, i hope the people at Square pays attention and drop the metro-hero design once and for all.
YEEEH?! AAaaaahhhh...
Well, it's not like you can BLAME the girls.
They're not girls, they're women.
That brings me no lack of joy, Caminante. :D
Oh great, now i want to screw a girl wearing a samurai armour. Thank you Japan!
Hmm... now I have an idea for a fetish website. I wonder how much cash it would generate...
This looks to be the Japanese answer to the SCA.
North Korea fires missiles towards Japan, triggers psychological reaction.
and this will be the spark that resurrcts militaristic nationalist japan as soon as they change their constitution, watch out
6:25 - "In the crowd we can see a fan of Naoe Kanetsugu. She is wearing the giant 'Love' kanji he wore on his battle helmet." A giant "Love" sign on your murderin' hat. How cute.
Everything funny in Japan should be met with polite, shy giggles. Unless it's something so outlandish as a girl with a weapon. Then it's all western-style guffaws.
Japanese materialism is somehow different than American materialism.