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And you can do it WHILE you're drivin'!
This is what happens when you advertise something without a legal department or just plain common sense. Five stars for evil and cool.
Yes, in reality black men are using LED rims to try to pick up white women with wheels that say "I THINK I
white women tag, i think.
"So how did you two meet?"
good for him, now she'll be his new girl haulin' in the ben franklins from his corner
Just as history is doomed to repeat itself, every generation must recreate the Mr. Microphone.
These 5 stars are for the munchkin he has hiding in his trunk doing the graphic work. "Goddamit, I want her face like Andy fucking Warhol style. DO IT NOW!"
graphics gimp
Someone please tell me this is a prank or hoax or something.
It is a prank or hoax or something. I hope you feel better
Now you too can have your car look like a mid-90s geocities page!
Surprised they aren't trying to sell this to stupid raver kids as well.
Well, there are similar products for that market.
Finally a creative way to introduce goatse and tubgirl to the public at large.
Yeah this technology could revolutionize goatse.
oh for crying out loud.
When will someone invent teleportation so we can finally be done with all this shit?
I want these. Not even kidding.
"Hey, good lookin'! We'll be back to pick you up later!"