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Comment count is 10
Xenocide - 2009-11-30


"Well, sir, Mr. Solo, I reckon you've got yourself some Star Wars 'round here."

"As my pappy always used to say, never bother a hound dog when he's waitin' on his supper, unless you've got yourself A Beautiful Mind."

"That sure is one mighty big tractor, or my name isn't Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Which it isn't, I reckon."

"I'll never forget when I was eight years old. That's when I learned that Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home."

[in the midst of a heated battle scene, walks calmly into frame wearing sensible business attire, looks right at the camera.] "The Chronicles of Narnia." [walks out of frame, is not seen again for remainder of the film.]

eatenmyeyes - 2009-12-01

"Fuck you, Moby Dick!"
"We sure made a lot of Boys from Brazil."

Walker - 2009-11-30

It's been awhile since I had to read this book in 9th grade english, but if I remember correctly, the moral of the story was that you shouldn't shoot at black people because all they do is sing for us and make beautiful music.

poorwill - 2009-11-30

Black people and white retarded people, yes.

Sacks5thAvenButt - 2009-12-01

hence chris brown.

estrellas para gregory peck y boo radley

Jeff Fries - 2009-12-01

Nothing against this movie which I haven't seen but it was this part that allowed Peck to go on a tour years solely for the purpose of letting middle-aged women hug him and there were reports of some of them being healed of internal bleeding, I'm not making this up

Dinkin Flicka - 2009-12-01

...how did that story lead you to 2 stars?

Camonk - 2009-12-01

Five stars for that bitchin' story.

PS: A mockingbird will fuck you up.

Charles - 2009-12-02

Fryboy, were you really so goddamned shitfaced when you typed that slice of heaven that you actually forgot how to fucking rate?

5 stars because Mr. Peck is the messiah.

Influence Device TIMR - 2010-03-03

I hate internal bleeding

one star

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