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Comment count is 16
zerobackup - 2010-03-05


Hooker - 2010-03-05

Pills kicked in.

oddeye - 2010-03-05

needs a white people tag

The God of Biscuits - 2010-03-05

What was this from?

oddeye - 2010-03-05

my fevered nightmares

dementomstie - 2010-03-06

I think it has something to do with Miss America... which is frightening.

Enjoy - 2010-03-05

I didn't realize Lady Gaga was for fist pumpers.

OxygenThief - 2012-09-15

Lady Gaga is for drug addicts.

pastorofmuppets - 2010-03-05

it's cool guys, this is just a david byrne piece

APE_GOD - 2010-03-06

I got it.

Space Helicopter - 2010-03-05

Lady GaGa's more of a man than Rush Limbaugh.

kingarthur - 2010-03-06

I hate that man, I truly do. But, by god, if he doesn't have the moves.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-03-06


klingerbgoode - 2010-03-06

"give it up for rush limbaugh!"

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-03-06

Man Syd, you always activate my long-ass tags! Thanks!

megaspy2000 - 2010-03-11


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