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Desc:Mulleted warrior Paul Vunak shows how to nibble your way out of a choke
Category:Sports, Military
Tags:Choke, nibble, 75 years of biting, paul vunak, jeet kune do
Submitted:Dr Dim
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Comment count is 12
Sundry - 2010-11-09

I'll admit my cock twitched when he started nibbling.

Baldr - 2010-11-09

In the next lesson, he'll show you how to defend against Hepatitis C while your mouth is filled with human blood.

citrusmirakel - 2010-11-09

For you, sir.

Dr Dim - 2010-11-09

You can tell this is serious stuff from the tyres and wooden crates around the edge of the mat.

BorrowedSolution - 2010-11-09

Looks like the set of a hardcore gay porn....oh yeah, that's what it is.

baleen - 2010-11-09

It's funny, but this is not bullshido.

Chalkdust - 2010-11-09

"75 Years of Biting", the new album by The Mountain Goats

bopeton - 2010-11-09

I escaped a chokehold once just by reaching behind me and poking the guy in the eye with my thumb-- I don't understand why all this homoer---


pineapplejuicer - 2010-11-09

i saw a Bas Rutten tape recently where he shows how you can choke someone who is properly defending the choke (by pinning their chin to their chest) by dislocating their jaw and pressing it against their esophagus

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2010-11-09

Anybody here ever read Preacher?

charmlessman - 2010-11-09

"And then what happened?"

"Well, officer, he nibbled me."

"Nibbled you?"

"Yes! NIBBLED me!!"

kamlem - 2010-11-09

RIP Bitey!

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