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Comment count is 15
SDAusmus - 2010-12-11

For "JEW-Jitsu", and the constant gut-rubbing.

Riskbreaker - 2010-12-11

This is how every sports fan looks.

TheSupafly - 2010-12-11

Is this the guy who did the dumbbell lift in protest of Stephen King?

heyitslozeau - 2010-12-12


Mother_Puncher - 2010-12-11

He seems to lose his train of thought when he rubs his gut vigorously. Is this some form of hambeast sexual arousal? He must be turned on by the thought of Joe Rogan in the octogon. But he keeps rubbing shit. I think he's on "E"

Comeuppance - 2010-12-11

Super special replay point at :51

Adramelech - 2010-12-11

Pull your pants up buddy. Your waist doesn't go down just because your gut is huge.

Do fat people do this so they can claim to wear smaller sizes?

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-12-11


BHWW - 2010-12-11

It just seems to follow the most obnoxiously fanatic of fans of a particular sport tend to be the fattest slobs.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2010-12-11

Rogan doesn't walk the walk, but this guy certainly does waddle the waddle.

zerobackup - 2010-12-12

"Me fat man, juggalo necklace, me like UFC....." EXTREME CLOSE UP OF STOMACH HAIR

RocketBlender - 2010-12-12

How do you know that's a Juggal... oh...
Wow. Goddamn that's sad.

lucienpsinger - 2010-12-12

For six seconds of up-close Juggalo jiggle at the end there.

lucienpsinger - 2010-12-12


In which our hero challenges the forum users of a bodybuilding website, smears Nutella on his nipple, licks it off, and then attempts to perform chocolaty cunnilingus on the camera lens.

lucienpsinger - 2010-12-12


In which our hero admits to getting sleepy head from a chubby masseur in Mexico and accuses bodybuilders of holding back gay marriage.

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