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Comment count is 17
hornung - 2010-12-12

Go Pack

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-12-12

Kind of pretty.

chumbucket - 2010-12-12

the rip. is. gooood!

Explodotron - 2010-12-12

And we're still not giving the bastards a new stadium.

joelkazoo - 2010-12-12

They haven't shown they deserve one! If Red really wants one, he could finance it himself easily!

Dammit, *I* wanted to submit this!

glasseye - 2010-12-12

Excellent. The public sinking retarded amounts of money into private *entertainment* enterprise is incredibly stupid anyway.

If the citizens of this town are lucky, maybe the team will wear the cranky-pants and leave (ala the Seattle SuperSonics). Good riddance!

joelkazoo - 2010-12-12

I've always said if they really want an outdoor stadium that bad, just tear the roof off the damn thing! And thanks to Mother Nature, we're halfway there!

Okay, I'm done with my "public financing of private enterprise" rants for now...at least with this entry.

Tom Collins - 2010-12-12


FABIO - 2010-12-12

Soviet Union metaphor.

SolRo - 2010-12-12

our shit didnt fall apart after some frozen water landed on it.

Tom Collins - 2010-12-12

Space Shuttle Challenger? Freedom's greatest enemy is when water turns from fluid to solid.

kamlem - 2010-12-12

The guy running at 0:12

Cuntipede - 2010-12-12

The Sound...

fluffy - 2010-12-12

That would have been awesome if it happened during a game.

Supahfly - 2010-12-13

Would have made it mildly entertaining.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-12-12

Excessive use of snow.

Innocent Bystander - 2010-12-13


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