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Comment count is 17
Albuquerque Halsey - 2010-12-17

Why is a fat Odo singing?

baleen - 2010-12-18

I don't know why did I fuck your mom

urbanelf - 2010-12-17


chumbucket - 2010-12-17

needs more Jewish wizardry to fight the pagan impulses

also needs a Tim & Eric tag just to mess everyone up

baleen - 2010-12-18

true that is true

Macho Nacho - 2010-12-17

Better than David Tanny

TeenerTot - 2010-12-17

A holiday fever dream.

memedumpster - 2010-12-17

I am fiving the gay apparel, which has been donned most fabulously!

joelkazoo - 2010-12-17

For some reason, that amused me very much.

Happy Life Day, poeTV!

cognitivedissonance - 2010-12-17

5 stars, now I don't feel so fat.

baleen - 2010-12-18

I am 20 lbs overweight, thank you and merry krmas to you!

jangbones - 2010-12-17


baleen - 2010-12-18

Honestly you shits can do better than that.

dead_cat - 2010-12-18

I don't know what the story behind this is, but it's brilliantly stupid. Also I assume its creation required some chemical assistance...

svraz - 2010-12-18

Free Palestine!

wtf japan - 2010-12-19


flotsam - 2010-12-24

Thanks, this really got me into the holiday season.

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