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Comment count is 8
BiggerJ - 2011-08-13

I've realized something. Everyone who buys an even remotely useful prop for use in cosplay, such as a book, should have to use it for its intended purpose so it isn't wasted. For example, the girl who made this awesome Wheatley puppet posted a photo of it reading Machiavelli's The Prince. If she bought it just for that, then she should read it. THE hardest book, I hear.

Spoonybard - 2011-08-13

Are you high? That sounds like the kind of thing someone would realize while high.

I'm in favor of everybody reading The Prince, but it's not even the "hardest" book typically assigned to introductory political philosophy classes

kingofthenothing - 2011-08-13

Yo, Big J. Here, dog.

http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1232 - download in whatever format you find preferable.

memedumpster - 2011-08-13

Penny Arcade (started to say Hardy Boys, then remembered gen Z) is more difficult than the Prince. You should read it so the collapse of your country at the hands of morons makes sense to you.

BiggerJ - 2011-08-13

Spoonybard, memebumpster - Portal 2 reference goes 'whoosh'.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-08-13

She's furry though.

HotwaxNinjaPanther - 2011-08-13


Yeah, I'm so not clicking on that portal of nightmares.

BiggerJ - 2011-08-13

It's 'Furin', not 'Fur in', and even if she WERE a furry, she probably wouldn't flaunt it in pu-- oh, she has a Wolf O'Donnell costume. Never mind.

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