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Comment count is 7
baleen - 2011-11-12

Meanwhile, Cena mark cleans the cum from his poopdeck butthole and declares the patriots to be future John Kerries.

StanleyPain - 2011-11-12

The irony being John Kerry actually served in the military and in combat, neither of which Bush Jr. ever did, yet people were stupid enough to believe that dodging service in the national guard (and then not even bothering to show up) was somehow more patriotic than actually serving a tour of duty then criticizing the military.

baleen - 2011-11-12

Or Coast Guard...

Cena_mark - 2011-11-13

I appreciate the Veterans Vigil, but if the park closes at 10 it closes at 10. I'm sure if it was planned better they could have stayed longer.
The right wing media did a good job spinning it so that Bush looked like a greater Patriot. Then again it was 2004; we were just over a year into the Iraq war, so of course the culture was different.

baleen - 2011-11-13

Oh yes astute historical criticism there petty officer coast guard guy.

kwash - 2011-11-13

You can cut the sexual tension here with a knife.

memedumpster - 2011-11-12

Pigs = enemy.

Fire at will, soldiers.

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