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Desc:There's a minor blip about halfway through, but man. They don't make theme songs like this anymore.
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:80s, Perfect Strangers, balki bartokomous, cousin larry, don be ridiculous
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Comment count is 15
kwelladakid - 2007-01-15

Fucking epic opening, this looks like the most important show ever.

Caminante - 2007-01-15

I don't understand, isn't he supposed to have a cat's head?

Albuquerque Halsey - 2007-01-15


bopeton - 2007-01-15

It IS the most important show ever.

blackbetta - 2007-01-15

Wow. Great find, blip aside.

Hooper_X - 2007-01-15

Where have you gone, David Pomeranz?

Gurlugon - 2007-01-15

The sitcom theme/montage opening has become a lost art

boner - 2007-01-16

Always thought this was a weird opening, for a show where they never left their apartment.

arjay - 2007-01-16

They left their apartment. I definitely remember them at work in at least one episode.

TheSnake - 2007-01-16

In later seasons didn't they share a house and have girlfriends? God damn im a loser.

RoyCastle - 2007-01-16

i remember thinking every time "NO BALKI PLS DON'T BUST" what a noob i was

sudan no1 - 2007-01-17

I think I had the hots for Balki but I thought boys had cooties back then so I'm not sure.

doc duodenum - 2007-03-24

They worked at a newspaper. The woman who runs the elevator is the same character on Family Matters.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-08-03

This is the only thing I remember about this show, so naturally I have good memories of it.

lucienpsinger - 2011-12-05

I was thirty years old before I realized they named him Balki because he's from the Balkans.

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