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Comment count is 3
Nick C. - 2007-01-24


x - 2007-12-28

Bravely rated and reviewed, ryanowens.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-03-27

Here's a fact. Like the Sex Pistols, Kiss got a lot of their initial inspiration from the New York Dolls, Gene and Paul went to see them live, and decided to start a band.

No, they're not exactly the Sex Pistols, but I saw them in 1975, when I was 17, and they were pretty great in a dumb kind of way. This was before they were overexposed, back when no one knew that Gene Simmons was going to breathe fire after "Firehouse", and it was still a crazy surprise, back when they didn't have hydraulic platforms to move them around the stage and they moved themselves, back when having every song a "Fuck Me Suck me" song, as Paul Stanley liked to call them, hadn't gotten old, back before they had been doing it so long they had essentially become another Kiss tribute band.

Those were the days.

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