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Comment count is 27
The Mothership - 2013-04-08

would not.

poorwill - 2013-04-08


Old_Zircon - 2013-04-08

Wouldn't, but I can't criticize because there's a dark, shameful part of me that would the red haired woman in the "feminists vs MRAs" video.

paranex - 2013-04-08

Would. I got a sickness for the thickness.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2013-04-08

Would. Short, built, curvy, and probably a wildcat in the sack. Sure, she's not exactly refined, but how much does that really count for?

EvilHomer - 2013-04-08

Was wouldn't, up until a few months ago, when one of my friends pointed out that she kinda resembles Italian American pornstar Audrey Bitoni. Now would.

RocketBlender - 2013-04-08

Totally would MRA girl too. If you I had no idea who Snooki was, would, but I just don't think I would since I do. Shit ain't safe.

Hooker - 2013-04-09

I would both, but I wouldn't admit to either.

baleen - 2013-04-09

Oh come on. You would all have sex with Snooki if she gave you the time of day.

That's what you're talking about right?

Senator_Unger - 2013-04-09

Short, chubby and brown. What more is there?

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-04-09

One night in Snooki isn't worth a lifetime of shame and possibly herpes.

RocketBlender - 2013-04-09

Like I said, shit ain't safe.

poorwill - 2013-04-09

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”

mon666ster - 2013-04-09

Would have, pre-baby.

RocketBlender - 2013-04-09

Oh my god, poorwill! You deserve all my stars.

Cena_mark - 2013-04-08

There was a report that Former Jersey Shore cast member Angelina was calling up WWE Officials trying to get a free ticket and was completely ignored. Glad WWE is waking up. Still could've done without the P Diddy show at WM.

http://www.tmz.com/2013/04/07/wwe-wrestlemania-tickets-angelin a-pivarnick-jersey-shore/

EvilHomer - 2013-04-08

P Diddy was at WM? Did John Cena get a chance to rap with him?

Cena_mark - 2013-04-09

Unfortunately no.

Mother_Puncher - 2013-04-08

Doing what it takes to hold onto your 15 minutes of fame with bloody fingernails and broken teeth looks like fun.

Would I? If I couldn't smell her. But just by looking at her I can smell overwhelming body lotion, perfume that smells like a burned up motherboard with lavender and the waxy and powdery smell of too much make up.

On a different note, I bet being a mediocre wrestler that has no real star power or stage appeal but still being able to stay on for a few years while making little impact is how Casper van Dien feels every day.

takewithfood - 2013-04-08

I did not expect that.

EvilHomer - 2013-04-08

Wow, I did not expect that.

James Woods - 2013-04-08

This occurrence came from outside of my expectations.

poopy - 2013-04-09

The whole thing is great but those last three seconds are perfect.

poopy - 2013-04-09

oopsie daisy

Riskbreaker - 2013-04-09

Next logical match is Snooki vs Kemonito

craptacular - 2013-04-09

Snooki vs Kobayashi

Stopheles - 2013-04-09

Snooki vs Jun Kasai

(I'd list a good stiff puroresu guy but she only deserves a somewhat gimmicky garbage wrestler)

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