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Comment count is 12
Astounder - 2005-10-31

It's the twitching legs that's that makes it win.

Caminante - 2005-11-06

I'll bet it would look the same if the but got picked up by a Katamari.

Spider Jerusalem - 2005-12-18

The perspective makes this. It's like they hit an enormous magnet for kids.

Concerned Citizen - 2006-06-30

Man, I'm surprised how abrupt and brutal it was, no midair floating just BAM!

BAC - 2007-03-11

I just screamed.

AJumpingSpider - 2007-05-05

I know I shouldn't laugh, but SHIT

Hailey2006 - 2007-06-25

same here

Namor - 2007-06-20

Holy shit, not funny.

Pie Boy - 2007-09-09

They were all fine. Laughing is a-okay.

mouser - 2008-02-01

I'm so confused with emotions right now. The cartoonish view of a field of feet dangling upwards is so comical, but I'm at the same time shocked that even today, kids aren't buckled up in busses. if anything, that video is a wake up call.

fermun - 2008-02-28

Everyone lean to their right... NOW STICK TO THE WALL!

metasonix - 2011-01-08

"not available"


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