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Comment count is 10
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-08-12

So fucking amazing. They spent three seasons building Gus up to the point where, for that brief second when he walks out, you don't even question that he could somehow survive.

Also great that they had the balls to make absolutely, positively sure that you knew that he would never, ever come back. No offscreen death, missing body, or next-season reappearance like every other TV show ever.

Deplorable - 2013-08-12

I was really hoping he'd live too, he was really, with some exceptions, a likeable character.

Hooker - 2013-08-12

Hahaha. He was really not a likeable character at all. What the fuck?

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-08-12

Hey, anybody would threaten to slaughter an entire family, including a disabled teenager and an infant daughter, in that situation! Totally relatable!

Bort - 2013-08-13

Gus could be affable, he could be sociable, he could be reasonable and accommodating. But apparently he had been working for the Pinochet regime back in the day, and unlike Walt, he got into the drug game for no other (known) reason than profit.

A tiger may be a thing of beauty, but it will mess you up if it feels like it.

Ursa_minor - 2013-08-12

Hector didn't kill Gus, he just turned him into a Dick Tracy villain.

Bort - 2013-08-12

Buddy Hackett would have made an amazing Hector.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-08-13

If anyone hasn't seen this yet, don't watch it until you get there.

yogarfield - 2013-08-13

i haven't, and the entire time i was MS3King "USE YOUR POWERS GUS, USE THEM!"

satisfying, but the two-face thing was a little over the top.

chumbucket - 2013-08-13

Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad...watch Breaking Bad. watch it, just watch it. Watch.

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