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Comment count is 11
Caminante - 2007-02-16

Kittens are the Universal Language.

Crucifried - 2007-02-16

The little cats don't know what to make of the shrill german man in the stupid clothes.

Vicious - 2007-02-16

"Oh shit! They found me!"

bakune young - 2007-02-16


tamago - 2008-01-09


RockBolt - 2007-02-16


halon - 2007-02-16

how is German so horribly intimidating even when it's about kittens? KATZEN!

garcet71283 - 2007-02-17

It's positively surreal... THE CAT'S MAKING A RUN FOR THE FENCE!

Bort - 2007-02-17

He named the kittens "Terminator 1", "Terminator 2", and "Conan the Barbarian".

Grace Mugabe - 2007-02-17


Namor - 2007-06-27

Shows about kittens should be broadcast everywhere in every language. This needs to happen soon, it could solve everything.

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