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Comment count is 10
Caminante - 2007-03-16

That's why you're supposed to stay under the canopy, stupid.

Pillager - 2010-11-27

"Maintaining a high body temperature also takes energy. Sloths reduce this cost by maintaining a lower average body temperature than other mammals. Dogs, cats, horses, sheep, rabbits, pigs, and cows all have average body temperatures between 100 and 103°F, but a sloth's average body temperature is 93°F.

Just as important, a sloth's body temperature fluctuates with the ambient temperature. Like snakes, frogs, and other "cold-blooded" creatures, a sloth's body temperature is highest on warm, sunny days, and lowest at night and on rainy days. Sometimes a sloth sunbathes in the morning to warm up. Then, during the hottest part of the day, it hides in the shade so it won't overheat. During a 24-hour period, a sloth's body temperature may vary as much as 10°F. If the body temperature of a person, a dog, or a cow varies just 5°F, it can be life threatening."

http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/2004/6/sloths.c fm

Portaxx - 2007-03-16

"Hey what's tha--YOWWW!"

Charles - 2009-12-05

It seems almost like sloths are just constantly expecting this to happen. I have an extremely difficult time believing they are ever surprised with anything.

zatojones - 2007-03-16

Damn I think they were about to show a Pit Viper killing a Sloth or something

enjoy - 2007-03-16

Sorry sloth but I love those birds of prey so very much

Pillager - 2010-11-26

Can you imagine how nasty a sloth must taste?

halon - 2007-03-16

I like how they added in a "thwack" sound when the sloth got hit

Bone_Vulture - 2007-06-08

Death of Slowpoke.

gambol - 2007-09-30


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