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Comment count is 5
infinite zest - 2015-06-05

I don't think I've ever seen a fat sloth like I've seen a fat cat, dog or human, and for the most part this is what they call exercise. I know they tend to eat proportionately to their activity level, but there's gotta be some who pig out more and are lazier than others just like anything else.

Sudan no1 - 2015-06-05

They're called sloths, not gluttonies.

gravelstudios - 2015-06-05

I would imagine that sloths tend to be cared for by people who have their best interests in mind (zoos, animal sanctuaries, etc), and therefore are fed a reasonably healthy diet. If you could buy a sloth at the local pet shop, then there would be tons of videos on youtube of fat sloths in baby clothes owned by fat people who don't know any better.

fluffy - 2015-06-05

Alternate title: Chewbacca's day off.

Boomer The Dog - 2015-06-05

It's A Big, Big World

Cool sloth there.

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