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Comment count is 13
Honest Abe - 2007-04-09

fuck sonic everything

Hooker - 2007-04-09

This cartoon really captrued the furries element of the game?

Caminante - 2007-04-09

So, how many lives do you think this show ruined?

xenocide - 2007-04-09

I keep expecting to see Sonic save some Ewoks.

stanleypain - 2007-04-09

What a dystopian vision of the future. And I'm referring to the furry factor.

Quad9Damage - 2007-04-11

I am under the impression that he can run fast.

BAC - 2007-04-12

I'm giving it five because I used to watch that. also it struck me they're all naked.

Quad9Damage - 2007-06-28

It just occurred to me that they are technically terrorists.

Quad9Damage - 2007-07-17

Scratch that. They ARE eco-terrorists. They just knocked the power out of an entire city.

laurentauren - 2007-08-04

This cartoon was awesome. Don't knock it just because it has a lot of super creepy fans obsessed with squirrel boobs.

Damn furries ruining my childhood.

CharlesSmith - 2008-07-29

I remember this being pretty much the darkest cartoon on television. I can't think of anything intended for children that scared me half as much.

Nikon - 2008-12-23

I enjoyed it in the past. But now the furry association makes it a little harder to enjoy.

Nikon - 2012-08-28

And by a little, I mean a lot. I have to agree with Caminante now - this show ruined and warped tons of impressionable youth.

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