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Comment count is 15
Gurlugon - 2007-04-04

That just doesn't roll off the tounge quite as well

Portaxx - 2007-04-04

I'm so terribly ashamed that I remember this

Caminante - 2007-04-04

"I am Nimbar, giant pulsating brain tumor."

johnnyhamhock - 2007-04-04

first I thought I was clicking on some teenager's youtube pride and then WHAT THE CRAP ITS REAL

dead_cat - 2007-04-04

Oh shit, I REMEMBER THIS. Even back then we all knew it was horrible.

Yellow Lantern - 2007-04-04

Was the home planet's name...Moleculo?

Tetsuo - 2007-04-05

I remember this too. It's like recalling some repressed childhood trauma

garcet71283 - 2007-04-05

For some reason...I remember this.... Also, +1 star for Rugg Williams...awesome name.

kingarthur - 2007-04-05

Okay now put it back in the HAZMAT vault where it belongs.

MKULTRA - 2007-04-05


kthorjensen - 2007-04-05

Wait at 8 seconds in is Gorganus using his magic powers to make a naked headless dude?

SecretJunk - 2007-04-05

And THAT's the strongest 4 way hand grip possible. I got told this by a Boy Scout

Quad9Damage - 2007-06-15

One of about 11 dozen Power Rangers ripoffs from that era. I'm not sure if this one's the worst, though.

dementomstie - 2008-03-24

I remember this show! It was HORRIBLE! They had flashing tatoos that only showed when there was an emergency, it was clearly done by someone flashing a flashlight on the arm of the actors.
To it's credit it had the best "dream" episode I've ever seen. Once the characters realize that they're in a dream one of the guys says "Wait, you mean if this is a dream I can make whatever I want to happen, happen?" and then one of the girls suddenly is in a bikini. Out Of Nowhere! It made me laugh and feel really creepy all at the same time!

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-05-09

wait, other people could see this too? IM CURED

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