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Comment count is 19
Caminante - 2007-04-10

Someone needs to make a Simcity game like this.

Diogenes - 2007-04-10

Nuclear energy: The official energy of pure funk disco.

Camonk - 2007-04-10

Damn. Well, I'm sold! Those cartoon guys looked hella happy.

zatojones - 2007-04-10

From the people who brought you that Royksopp video I assume

Gerhard - 2007-04-10

I would play Sim Reactor. Also, McLean Lake looks like a nice place to work.

xenocide - 2007-04-10

Like most things in life, your nightclub experience begins with a giant hole in Canada.

Kapow - 2007-04-10

technology is beautiful

enjoy - 2007-04-10

Things I love about the French: nuclear power and blood sausage.

jim - 2007-04-10

the french: radioactive

Maxville - 2007-04-10

Note to Iran: Invest in groovy disco animation!

ChocFullOfFunk - 2007-04-10

Nuclear Disco! Nuclear Disco! Woo Nuclear Disco!

merzbau - 2007-04-10

+1 star for FUNKYTOWN!

TinManic - 2007-04-10

i'm a whore for nuclear energy! hippies be damned!

Hooker - 2007-04-10

One of the best expansion packs yet. What will Will Wright think up next?

bopeton - 2007-04-11

So THAT'S how nuclear reactors work.

athodyd - 2007-04-15

Remind, remind, remind me (of the importance of nuclear power)

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-15

I will no longer be able to watch isometric cut-away cartoon adspots without hearing Funky Town. :D

1394 - 2007-05-22

Waiting for the Siemens AG counter ad with Kraftwerk soundtrack.

Pie Boy - 2007-09-30


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