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Comment count is 7
Old_Zircon - 2016-05-08

Awesome, I wonder how this will stand up to his version of A Clockwork Orange (aka Vinyl).

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-08

Huh, how about that. But I think it was meant less as a wrestling matchup and more of an association. A good/bad guy, if you will.

memedumpster - 2016-05-08

I assume this is real, but honestly, to me it looks like someone took two random video clips, ran one of them backwards, and smashed them together in Blender into an mp4.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-09

Yeah, well Andy wasn't know for his fine craftsmanship.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-09

Andy was the YoutubePoop of fine arts.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-09

-edit- Owing to contemporary understandings of irony, the statement above might be taken as a positive or as a negative. Just so there's no confusion as to my attitude towards Warhol, I mean it as a negative.

Warhol was terrible. Bigger hack than Bowie, or even Prince.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-09

Warhol was great, he gave the art world of the time exactly what it deserved.

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