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Comment count is 16
Urburos - 2007-05-07

When the sound kicks up, that means it's either angry or looking for a mate.

fluffy - 2007-05-07


Feyd - 2007-05-07

Will Smith and Kevin Kline are totally going to blow that thing up first chance they get.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-05-08


kiint - 2007-05-09

Rips off the Strandbeast AND only gets 1 Mpg

Zeis - 2007-05-23

Tachikoma's great-great-grandpa!

Caminante - 2007-05-26

Now, add a pair of flamethrowers where the fangs would be.

bopeton - 2007-06-16

Where's Will Smith when you need him?

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2007-06-21

wiki: fuchikoma article? yes. spidercar article of any kind? no.

ihounokyaku - 2007-08-06

If only our military had a few hudred of those. We'd be invincible!

Pie Boy - 2007-08-22

If I had one of these, I would walk around highly populated areas all day and take pictures of the looks on peoples' faces.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-14

Technically now... wouldn't you be, I dunno, driving?

Sampoo - 2007-10-26

i truly hate spiders but i would drive this in an instant! can it climb and where can i order one? It totally looks like the wind walker things...its not the same guy is it?

Gwago - 2007-11-07

Screw the limo. THIS is what you use when picking up your prom date.

oogaBooga - 2008-05-27

And in only twenty short years they will all have neat fluid sucking proboscus (Sp?) to better harvest all our precious bodily fluids.

Banal Intercourse - 2008-07-11

When the engine goes into higher and higher whines, I know that the thing is going to either:

1. Leap 15 feet straight up
2. Explode

-1 star for my dissapointment

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