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Comment count is 11
Stopheles - 2007-05-05

I've wondered: why does Ted call Jesus a 'false messiah" AND claim to be the 2nd Coming of Jesus?

kingarthur - 2007-05-05

Schizophrenia, ho!

EvilHomer - 2007-05-05

"I'm not tryign to be regular, I'm not trying to be normal, I'm not trying to blend in..."

Killer Joe - 2007-05-05

Not an evil beard.

rastarat - 2007-05-05

Maybe he is telling the truth. You just never know...

fluffy - 2007-05-05

So evil men look just like television and movie clichés? Got it.

Doctor Arcane - 2007-05-05

It's all Sun's fault http://www.answers.com/topic/quest-systems

Billy Buttsex - 2007-05-05

I would've liked this more if he'd included a list of evil beard styles

Hooker - 2007-05-05

Sequels are always dissapointing.

Repomancer - 2007-05-06

"not trimmed like evil men would trim their beards."

bowie - 2007-05-06

I had no idea Christ was so vain. I guess the western world just isn't ready to worship ugly people.

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