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Comment count is 9
Herr Matthias - 2007-05-20

jesus, vacuum your fucking floor

timmylean - 2007-05-21

Kitty just wants some love, asshole.

baleen - 2007-05-21

He isn't exercising because he is a highly evolved virus who feeds on deadweight like you two homos.

fluffy - 2007-05-21

Kitty likes the feeling of the rough treadmill against his face. It reminds him of his mother.

dead_cat - 2007-05-21

No, idiots, you're supposed to support the animal so only its feet are on the treadmill.

longwinded - 2007-05-21

someone was stoned

Enki Don't - 2007-05-22

dunno, laser pointers are cheap, jus' sayin.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-30

Contagious weed-born laughter.

Paracelsus - 2009-08-29

There is no distinction between the laughter of the male and that of the female.

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