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Desc:A long firefight filmed by the insurgency
Tags:Iraq, war, iraqi, gunfight, firefight
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Comment count is 8
zatojones - 2007-05-20

Thankfully these guys don't even pretend to aim

baleen - 2007-05-21

Psst -- They aren't "resistance."

LetsFistAgain - 2007-12-22

Actually the Insurgency consists primarily of Iraqis. "The foreign fighters" are minority but conists mostly of guys from US friendly countries.

LetsFistAgain - 2007-12-22

Consists, consists, consists.

Smellvin - 2007-05-21

*Aimlessly shoot without looking.* Allah hu ackbar! *trip and fall brusing a knee* Allah hu ackbar!

Ryo-Cokey - 2007-05-21

I love how the passing traffic doesn't even swerve or slow down.

gambol - 2007-07-07

You can actually see how bad their aim is at about 4:30. And at any point can you see whom they are firing upon? Even in closeup view there doesn't seem to be anybody over there.

Old People - 2014-04-17

Oh my god, i recognize that street corner! That was in West Ramadi; I used to do foot patrols around there, and once in a while on a raid we'd find pics/footage of insurgents doing their own foot patrols on the same streets.
And yeah, those guys never could shoot for shit, except for the Chechen snipers and a handful of ex-Republican Guard dudes.

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