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Comment count is 9
jihadbaby - 2007-05-13

"I can't read books, but I am very smart, because I can watc TV and make crappy Anchorman fan-art"

timmylean - 2007-05-13

I'm smart and rather socially awkward. Does that make me an aspie? No, just socially retarded.

stanleypain - 2007-05-13


Aelric - 2007-05-13

is that an arcade cabnet? aparently, aspergers doesn't keep you from making money

fluffy - 2007-05-13

Yeah, still not what real Asperger's looks like.

blackbetta - 2007-05-13

She's says she's better than us. Dem's fightin' words, asspie.

EvilHomer - 2007-05-13

5 stars for the Youtube hecklers who aren't having any of it. Bless you all!

Adramelech - 2007-05-13

Falling into a giant spectrum of neurodiversity doesn't make you special, nitwit

Meatsack Jones - 2007-05-14

Great. This is like the time I faked chin cancer for a free small fries at Mickey D's.

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