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Comment count is 10
karl hungus - 2007-05-14

the fuck?

DrVital - 2007-05-15

Why is the Knight Rider theme playing? Also: Blood free Ninjas!

stanleypain - 2007-05-15

It's the Miami Vice theme...

StanleyPain - 2007-05-27

With a bit the 12" version of "Politics of Dancing" by ReFlex mixed in.

baleen - 2007-05-15

Authentic Threads by Ninja!!©

Afgh - 2007-05-15

oh my shit.

svraz - 2007-05-15

as long as we have black ninja we will never have to worry about the xm307

Cube - 2007-05-16

5 stars for being a perfect example of an awful ninja movie

Hooper_X - 2007-06-02

I'll spare the obvious black-people-and-watermelon jokes to point out that holy shit, yellow with red trim isn't the most ninja-ly attire, you know?

Stopheles - 2007-08-15

It's awfully helpful of them to wear garb with NINJA written on it, so that their victims didn't think they were getting ganked by stagehands (or, in the case of the ones in yellow, pediatric nurses).

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