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Comment count is 13
Afgh - 2007-05-27

He looks EXACTLY like Janet.

Hooper_X - 2007-05-27

It's like "The Warriors" as a Vegas stage show.

(Also, he used to look like Janet; now he looks just like LaToya.)

simon666 - 2007-05-27

his awesomeness in the beginning makes up for the freakishness now and forever. period

boba. - 2007-05-27

this is well past 'the beginning.' 'Ben' was freakish at 'the beginning'.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-05-27

This is truly the height of his powers.

Urburos - 2007-05-27

Okay, I wasn't around during the height of Michael's fame but that looked pretty darn gay to me.

Emcee - 2007-05-27

What's with the 80's and interracial gangs?

StanleyPain - 2007-05-27

I always liked the weird, dystopian-esque feel of this video. A dark future where only incredibly gay, roving gangs of dancers control the streets.

fluffy - 2007-05-27

In reality, the fagdancing wannabe-mediator would be the first to get knifed.

craptacular - 2007-05-27

especially with his rainbow-esque tshirt under his neon orange jacket. but anyway, 5 stars for awesomeness

gambol - 2007-05-28

Listen at 1:50 for somebody knocking on the recording booth door when Eddie Van Halen was recording his solo.

Also, real street gangs.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-07-21

I always thought that was just part of the song.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-07-31

His best song, his best video.

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